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Description du systeme
We will create a simple IoT system that will alert us through a nice web interface whenever the temperature at our wine cellar is not between 10°C and 16°C. We will call this system FineWine.
This system, based on our understanding of intelligent micro-system, is composed of the following organs:
Nerve center: where the hub and its data are located.
Admin dashboard: the administration interface of your hub.
VirtualTemperatureSensor organ: simulate the temperature sensor of the wine cellar continuously and synchronize the samples with the hub.
Analytics organ: analyzes the temperature and alerts if the temperature is ok or not.
Monitoring interface organ: a web interface, displaying the current status of our wine cellar.
The goal of this tutorial is to initiate youto the Spinalcom viewer. |
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Install spinal-system-basic
The first step is to create the directory where the project will be stored. We will call it fine-wine-system. Then, install inside the “spinal-system-basic” template. We suggest that before running the following command you initialize an npm project (with npm init):First create a new folder and initialize it using npm.
Once this is done there are 2 ways to install Spinalcom Viewer. A. Without editing package.json
B. By editing package.jsonAdd spinal-browser-drive to the dependencies in package.json. package.json
~/button-system$ pm2 start launch.config.js
PM2 will automatically start the Spinal Hub and the organs. Take care, if you have another hub running on port 7777, your new hub will not be launched ! (here is a command to see what port are used on ubuntu: sudo netstat -lp --inet)
After this installation, only SpinalHub is running on port 7777. SpinalHub containes a web server that provide his own Admin interface. Here is the architecture of the system you have after this first install:
Connect to Admin UI
As we have done in the getting started, connect to the admin dashboard to see if you hub is running :
The default admin account is :
client ID
fine-wine-system Folder organization
.browser_organs : This is your web browser folder
.config_env : Your env configuration
nerve-center : The Spinalcom nerve center
node_modules : npm (node package manager) & spinal-package
.apps.json : installed package of your spinal system
.config.json : spinalcom connection configuration file
launch.config.js : Start your hub using pm2
package.json : config of your package
title | Create a data model |
title | Create our new virtualButton organ |
title | Launch the system |
title | Create our second organ : virtualButtonMonitor |
Then install it using npm.