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NodeJS version

Install the package from npm:

npm install

You can require the module in the standard way:

const spinalCore = require("spinal-core-connectorjs");
Browser version

Download the SpinalCore browser version from

Add it to your HTML file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/spinalcore.browser.js"></script>

Most of the API is exposed in a global object named spinalCore.

Connecting to the hub

const conn = spinalCore.connect("http://644:password@");

This method establishes a connection with the hub. It returns an object containing the connection information, which will be used in the other API methods that communicate with the hub.

The string parameter has the following format:

  • protocol: the communication protocol used to communicate with the hub; currently only supporting "http"
  • userid: a user id that has access to the data; beware that the user has the needed rights to manage the data (read more about it here)
  • password: the password of the user
  • host: address of the hub
  • port: port number where the hub is running
  • path: location in the filesystem of the files that we want to store/load

Defining a model

class MyModel extends Model {
	constructor() {

       		// key: value
       	    // attribute1: "sample",
       	 	// attribute2: 2,
       	 	// attribute3: ["one", "two"],
       	 	// attribute4: {one: 1}
       	 	// ...

spinalCore.extend(MyModel, Model);

A Model is a class, which contains a structure of the data we want to synchronize with the hub. There are three required steps to define a class:

  1. Create a class and call its super()
  2. Add all the attributes of the class we want to synchronize using the add_attr() method
  3. Extend the class from the base Model class provided by SpinalCore

The value of the attributes should correspond to one of these data types:

  • string
  • number
  • array
  • object
  • boolean
  • any class inherited from Model

Storing and Synching a model

const models = require('../path-to-model/models.js');
let myObj = new models.MyModel();, myObj, "myObj", callbackSucces, callbackFailure);

A model object is created as an instance of a Model class, and then saved in the hub with the store() method. All the changes made in it will be automatically submited to the hub. The parameters accepted are:

  • Connection instance, obtained from the connect() method
  • Model object
  • New name of the object in the hub (used for retrieving it later)
  • Callback function executed once the model has been successfully stored
  • Callback function executed if there was an error while storing the model (probably another model exists)

Loading and Synching a model

spinalCore.load(conn, "myObj", callbackSuccess, callbackFailure);

Once an object has been saved in the hub, this command is used for fetching it and keeping synchronized with its changes. The parameters accepted are:

  • Connection instance, obtained from the connect() method
  • Name of the object in the hub (the same one used for storing it)
  • Callback function executed once the model has been successfully loaded; as a parameter it receives the object itself
  • Callback function executed if there was an error while loading the model (probably it doesn't exists)

Loading and Synching all the models of a specific class

spinalCore.load_type(conn, "className", callbackSuccess, callbackFailure);

Once some objects have been saved in the hub, this command is used for fetching all the models of a specific class and keeping synchronized with their changes. The parameters accepted are:

  • Connection instance, obtained from the connect() method
  • Name of the class
  • Callback function executed once the models have been successfully loaded. The same function is called for each models, and each one receives the object itself as a parameter.
  • Callback function executed if there was an error while loading the models (probably there is no model of the chosen class in the hub)

Getting/Setting the data in the models

let value = myObj.attribute1.get();

To obtain or modify an attribute of the model object, the classic get() and set() methods should be applied. Note that if the object has previously been stored with the store() function, the modified data will automatically synchronize with the hub.

Reacting to changes in the model without a process


The method bind() will execute the reactFunction(), that should be defined by the developer, everytime the data in the models are changed.

Defining a process

function MyProcess (model) {
    myProcess.super(this, model);

    this.onchange = function () {
        // code to execute whenever the model changes

spinalCore.extend(MyProcess, Process);

A Process is a class prepared to interact with models. It can listen for changes in one or more models and reacts to them. There are three steps to define a process:

  1. Create a function and call its super(), passing its context and a model or array of models as arguments
  2. Optionally, you can override the onchange() method that will be executed whenever the given models change
  3. Extend the class from the base Process class provided by SpinalCore
Spinal User Manager

In SpinalCoreJs, the management of users is done with a set of function of the SpinalUserManager object:

  1. get_user_id
  2. new_account
  3. change_password
  4. delete_account
  5. get_admin_id
  6. change_password_by_admin
  7. delete_account_by_admin
  8. change_account_rights_by_admin

get_user_id(options, user_name, password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_name: String containing the username.
  3. password: String containing the password of the user.
  4. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  5. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.get_user_id('', 'test@spinalhub', 'password',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

new_account(options, user_name, password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_name: String containing the username.
  3. password: String containing the password of the user.
  4. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  5. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.new_account('', 'test@spinalhub', 'password',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

change_password(options, user_id, password, new_password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_id: Contain the user id.
  3. password: String containing the password of the user.
  4. new_password: String containing the new_password of the user.
  5. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  6. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.change_password('', 777777, 'password', 'new_password',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

delete_account(options, user_id, password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_id: Contain the user id.
  3. password: String containing the password of the user.
  4. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  5. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.delete_account('', 777777, 'password',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

get_admin_id(options, admin_name, password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. admin_name: String containing the admin username.
  3. password: String containing the password of the admin user.
  4. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  5. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.get_admin_id('', 'admin name', 'password',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

change_password_by_admin(options, user_name, new_password, admin_id, admin_password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_name: String containing the username.
  3. new_password: String containing the new password of the user.
  4. admin_id: Contain the id of a admin (default: 644 or 168)
  5. admin_password: String containing the password of the admin.
  6. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  7. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.change_password_by_admin('', 777777, 'new_password', 644,'4YCSeYUzsDG8XSrjqXgkDPrdmJ3fQqHs',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

delete_account_by_admin(options, user_name, admin_id, admin_password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_name: String containing the username.
  3. admin_id: Contain the id of a admin (default: 644 or 168)
  4. admin_password: String containing the password of the admin.
  5. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  6. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.delete_account_by_admin('', 777777, 644,'4YCSeYUzsDG8XSrjqXgkDPrdmJ3fQqHs',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );

change_account_rights_by_admin(options, user_name, right, admin_id, admin_password, success_callback, error_callback = null)

  1. options: String the parameter to connect to the SpinalHub, example ""
  2. user_name: String containing the username.
  3. right: Contain the right (0 = Read/Write // 1 = Read).
  4. admin_id: Contain the id of a admin (default: 644 or 168)
  5. admin_password: String containing the password of the admin.
  6. success_callback: function callback with the response when the function succeed.
  7. error_callback (optionnal): function callback with the response or status error when the function fail.
SpinalUserManager.change_account_rights_by_admin('', 'test@spinalhub', 0, '644','4YCSeYUzsDG8XSrjqXgkDPrdmJ3fQqHs',
        function(response) { console.log( 'success : ' + response ) },
        function(response) { console.log( 'error : ' + response ) } );
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